This is a 2 bit wire, not a 1 bit.
This was not stolen, and anyone can use the teck in my saves just not as it itself they have to use it to make their own things
@masonk1090 id:22114 was the first save to use that wire, (that had the name or tag wire in it). Nice save tho. Also, you can't own a game mechanic (without actually being the game owner), but I do understand getting concepts for complex saves stolen (since then it is much more likely it was intentional)
ID:9914. 2010. The concept is not new (to the game) but it is new to several people. Please remember that if you come up with an idea, you may or may not be the first one to use it. And if someone else uses it later, that doesn't mean they stole it.
I mean this has been being used for years, but still, good save to introduce people to it (I only discovered it when looking at someone's reactor control board).
Alexphan5404 "an idea cannot be copyrighted" 2020
@Alexphan5404 Shakespeare *shakes pear*