You aren't a angel, but you are armed with wings of friendship. [DovahZoriik (Rank:SS)]
Thanks, you are a true friend not the people that became a friend and almost killed me in the base of punching and kicking, thanks for being a nice and true friend! [DovahZoriik (Rank:SS)]
I wont. I'll return. I'm deeply moved by your speech, bro.
You are a good friend, i don't want another internet friend that goes off
Ok but please come back, you are one of some of my friends. [DovahZoriik]
DovaZoriik is gonna take a break harsh criticism from mean people :( [Yzaak1Scifire]
Thanks, this doesn't fis my mood tho... But "mighty fine Freinds" thanks for calling me frend. Hope you get back soon, if it is not a private question, why are you going to leave for a long while? [DovahZoriik]