28th Nov 2020
7th Dec 2020
Any ideas for the lungs? All inspired by user:SpikeViper ! (brain by user:thebrainman)
is this body fine?
Deleted some comments that were getting heated. For anyone wondering, this save is not stolen and also gives credit in the description.
The lungs will have a tube to void
I didnt take HIS brain, because when i trid to make one, it wasnt working AT ALL, and this one is working TOO GOOD. so its not perfect.
yeah and you can easily copy off of his video and make that simple brain which ANYONE can do
I posted this when he started his 2nd live about it
I posted this before he did
Hmmmm: yes inspired. Also Hmmmm: shows spike vipers creation with not many changes at all and stolen parts without credit
Anyone got ideas for better lungs and blood flow?
im just trying to improve it