24 / 2
13th Dec 2020
14th Dec 2020
No Description provided.


  • R33sesK1ng
    14th Dec 2020
    @Vampireax, lmao that's true doe
  • Vampireax
    14th Dec 2020
    It makes me laugh when "goodbye" saves get updated.
  • EnderiteFox
    14th Dec 2020
    TPT really needs an update, or something to make people to play again,else it will definitely die
  • R33sesK1ng
    13th Dec 2020
    E S S A Y C O M P L E T E
  • R33sesK1ng
    13th Dec 2020
    The problem is that there are too many. Not that it's inherently bad, but the core of the issues brought about by it is that collectively, we just don't know what to do with ourselves.
  • R33sesK1ng
    13th Dec 2020
    All this guy was trying to do is bring about some inspiration, because things were getting lack-luster, and now AC has gone nowhere. Surely, we can't allow this to happen, anymore. Inspiring others to do awesome and interesting things for the sake of just that surely CAN'T be a bad thing. Too many people aren't taking the passion of others into consideration. The problem isn't that there's any screwing around.
  • R33sesK1ng
    13th Dec 2020
    Dude I feel so bad for you. So much effort and they don't care because "uh muh subjectivity." They choose not to consider points of view and just say "shut up i hate u ur stupid >:(" just because somebody has the opinion they don't like. What this game needs is diversity in thought, not conflict. It's bad for us, not just as a "Community" (whatever that's worth), but as people.
  • 3point00
    13th Dec 2020
    my blank save only got upvotes because yall are memers
  • 3point00
    13th Dec 2020
    but its gone now, but sorry for all the good creators who had to suffer through two minutes of a blank save on fp lol
  • Villainous_Tank
    13th Dec 2020
    It's been an honor homie