2 / 0
24th Mar 2021
24th Mar 2021
i got bored of making things that took weeks and getting absolutly no attention to said saves so i give up with good saves time to join the tpt community and make crap and get fp for the stuff we dont work hard on


  • KyYay
    25th Mar 2021
    well, there isn't really a variable that dictates if something is on fp or not (i think the only thing like that is demotion), nor how long it's been there. iirc it's just the top 15 results for a "score/log(time)" search. you can even see 20 saves if you type "0" into the search bar on By Votes and press enter, it just fetches the saves from a simple algorithm meaning you'd need to keep track of more data if you wanted a system like that, sadly
  • bryiscool
    24th Mar 2021
    fp makes no sense to me if im gonna be honest that whole oh if its a week old no front page i mean it should be if its on fp for a week no more fp i mean that makes A LOT more sense right?