81 / 19
10th Apr 2021
10th Apr 2021
The saturation pressure of water at 322 C is ~114 atm. This means steam and water can coexist (and are in equilibrium). It's probably been done before, but I thought it was cool
supercritical water physics science steam arghhh saturatedwater


  • dog2
    28th Aug 2024
    @unnamed4798 I have tried watr-ice but the pressure requirement turns it into SNOW instead of driving it straight to water. IRL, pressurizing ice turns it to water due to density
  • unname4798
    16th Dec 2023
    Can you give WATR-ICE example?
  • pab
    19th Feb 2022
    This is just a pretty neat thing i like.
  • dog2
    16th Apr 2021
    @Chrissyfrizz making the titanium box first helps. Also, there's a small glitch where you have a localized pressure bubble right outside the titanium sometimes, so I just fill it with more titanium
  • Chrissyfrizz
    16th Apr 2021
    how are you keeping the preassure in, i can never get the same preassure holding with the same thickness or thicker titanium
  • Emperor_of_Catkind
    15th Apr 2021
    However, if you increase the pressure and temperatures up to these meanings, it will still behave as here by default
  • Emperor_of_Catkind
    15th Apr 2021
    I checked the water phase diagram at Wikipedia and I can say it's rather accurate. @Aggrppa Yes, it's not supercritical, to reach this state we need at least 374 C and 221 atm.
  • dog2
    14th Apr 2021
    @PowderyNerd Yes, because the liquid and vapor are right at the boiling conditions, they are saturated (in contrast to being superheated or subcooled)
  • dog2
    14th Apr 2021
    @SsaucySam, saturation occurs as the same temperate as boiling (latent heat of vaporization), so this is truly saturated
  • Aggrppa
    14th Apr 2021
    to those called it supercitical; it is saturated, but not supercitical. Supercitical water happens when the temperature and pressure is high enough water sinply remains in 'gas' form and able to achieve higher density