join in the comments by giving id of your creation (credit to destroyer for the new map)
this is ded
wow its locked even tough I favourite it when I do so....
it would be better if u use !set type all oxyg
stop without oxygen we can't breathe
@DESTROYER91 why when you should go to console and go !set type oxyg none or what??....
u know what is better go make a new save
you guys know that you broke the rocket from the water vapor so FIX THE GOD DAMN SAVE
it need another it self but this time........ its a Protector for the Colony... WE NEED DEFENCES ON THE COLONY OR IT WOULD BE RAIDED
aight now the colony has now a connector for the homeland (not the colony) now it can access alot of data and stuff but it need an receiver and sender probe but the station can do Receiver and Sender stuff
id:2712411 put above my dark matter building to remove pollution