Located In The Gaia Forrest In The Victorious System. Its a Cliff... The Discovery is still Unknown (P. S. why this thing manage to get on FP?)
RamenNoodlesGuy: i know, it just randomly went KABLOOEY and everyone voted it until it got promoted. all that over some cows with differing speeds
Removed the Art Version Since that's alot of D-Bombed
bruh lol...
Your place on fp was taken by cow speeds lol
yes ik there's no straight cliffs. this thing is meant to be realistic. but the heck.. its fictional its not real...... ofc...
but no cliffs are perfectly straight
@Eskedboi06 Lol Its Actually an Joke To me Since I'm Terrible Naming things and Objects...
Funny fact - New Holland was actually the original name for Australia - Incredible save and very well done +1
there's some xkcd reference
I might build another cliff one but this time its coastal version like Wasteland... again....