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23rd Jun 2021
16th Aug 2021
idk why but i've made this, and i hope you like :D
saltwater destiledwater evaporation water


  • NandoGamer
    16th Aug 2021
    i just used ptct to cool down lol
  • NandoGamer
    24th Jul 2021
    bryiscool, and I also tryed blocking the water exit so it can cool down more, and well... In the starts works well, but after a while, it is so hot that the water can't hold and starts turning into steam instantly, and can't cool down, so that's all the answer to your question.
  • NandoGamer
    22nd Jul 2021
    You can try it your self, block all steam exit, and after a time, it would be hard to cooldown the steam, but maybe in the future I'll fix it.
  • NandoGamer
    22nd Jul 2021
    The cooler cant hold so much steam at the same time, it would be so hot and with high pressure.
  • bryiscool
    18th Jul 2021
    one question, why does it have steam exits thats just wasting the water instead of putting it into the cooler to be more efficient
  • NandoGamer
    24th Jun 2021
    Thank you!
  • Merlinjohny
    24th Jun 2021
    this is really cool :D