Effect of super high life VIBR on destructability of alloys
i broke thru with bomb and dest
SING or AMTR can destroy it. Other elements that delete particles rather than damaging them might work as well.
ez, i deleted it with one bomb
I was trying to test it and i down voted, sorry.
i defeated it with a bomb made withgbmblife:3000snow(sing)tmp:1215752191deutlife:65535bcln(hygn)(dmg)(cflm)(plut)life:65535tmp:1215752191 also prot with no tmp but same lifeexotlife:1000tmp:244tmp2:58367sprk(ligh)life:65535tmp:varies from part to part
you could break the "indestructible" just by waiting tho
I destroyed the "indestructible" alloy with AMTR
You should make it invincible to virs by adding soap, and maybe use some conv technology and then it will be truly indestructible
cool +1 set vibr tmp2 to 1