well i cant use tritium for obvius reasons and i just tried to follow digrams of a bomb instead of actually trying to make it perfect. i know that it CAN be better. but i am currently working on other projects.
interesting but not ideal, if you don't mind me saying... a thermonuclear device uses supercritical fission as an initiator with fusion being the secondary - and much more powerful - explosive reaction in the chain, fueled by a light element mix such as deuterium-tritium. i just find it confusing that your research missed these details when the second paragraph of the wikipedia page explains this in full, please clarify
and finnaly docroborobert. since i tried to make this realistic i had to put deuterium somewhere and in tpt we only have heavy water.
and jonahungary the neutrons are to push the co2 out if you look at it frame by frame (pause it and press f) the fusion is actually first
emperor of catkind ive spent a while reaserching h bombs and tried to make this as realistic as possible in tpt. sp this is NOT low effort
I've got tired from art and low-effort stuff on FP. Do something more valuable. -1
There's no deuterium. Only deuterium oxide which should behave as slightly heavier water yet it explodes when exposed to neutrons.
deuterium is basically hydrogen but in tpt hydrogen and deuterium are different things and most of the power of this comes from the plutonium and the deuterium not the fusion of the hydrogen