A custom game-of-life element that never makes new cells, but the old ones don't die either. Since the life is still, it drops in temperature and can be used as an easy coolant. No LN2 necessary, and don't worry about uncontrolled GOL reproduction.
Zizis: I checked your saves and you don't have a GOL cooler published. Only a scaling rectangle that heats up ("test"). This is too funny.
Zizis: And no, I do not use mods. I'm on tablet and they slow my game.
Zizis: I don't know who you are, and I didn't steal anything from you. Prove it, if you're so confident. I used a different rule. Put your pointer on the GOL and see for yourself. Only because you made a GOL cooler doesn't mean I can't make one either.
this is modded in >:(
my rule is b8/s12345678/17 bc that is the only way it'll work>:(
you stole my custom gol>:(
Jerehmia: I remember having some problems with entering the rule (very long ago). I don't remember how I fixed it, though. Thank you for the feedback
Jerehmia: Huh... I tried entering the rule and it indeed says Invalid Rule. I don't know how to fix that. It could be a bug? You can just stamp-copy it from the save.
I'm interested in how you entered that rule too, could you tell us how to do it because when I pick CGOL and enter the rulestring you provided I get and Invalid Rule Provided error also just like MCHAMSTER?
What Is The Rule Of It Because It Says Invalid Rule Provided