designed to zip through citys and stations, this patrol ship can quickly find and neutralize small threats, while serving as a whistleblower for bigger ones. its also equipped with an EMP should it find itself in a sticky situation.
SnekWithNukes: ?
oy can i use the guns for my ship im too dum to make them ill give credit
@silo88 your stuff cant even put a dent in the vooperian empire, don't even try you craphead dipped in water.
@silo88 the EMP is a one-time-use emergency weapon, and the ship has to not be using its weapons when it is used.
hi spike
Emperor approved!
Core Labs has destroyed this by firing sawrmers at it and the EMP causing the circuits to short out and self destruct it. Sadly the material was not enough to make more swarmers. But a new bomb was made instead