28th Jul 2021
29th Jul 2021
Core Labs created some fake doplar radar pods. Nobody knows its fake and never will know. The green button fires them. SPRK it more than once to fire the guns. No ship can go undetected
i setroyed this site in seconds
you can destroy this with an lightning/thunder and proton bomb
why is there a random guy in the bottom of the save surronded by INSL and probably suffucating
Hamteria liquidfied this site with it's most powderful bomb (the save is called "hamster fart")
silo if u don't want to be some one every one hates try following the rules and play our game of strang d&d as friends that means don't dislike saves just because they are vooperia and don't comment stuff like "i MeLtEd ThIs" and maybe there wont be so much back lash ok?
ya, they really shouldn't. unless there Traitors.
Vooperians wouldnt be visiting core labs during war tbh
Ok, you said so.
yes haha try to
Do I have to melt your skull?