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29th Jul 2021
29th Jul 2021
This STATE OF THE ART bomb has never been built. Rumor says that the bomb is so powerful it can PUNCTURE the edge of the universe and pop it like a baloon causing everything to chill and die out. Ths bomb is BANNED.


  • BenGBox
    21st Jan 2022
    Not that strong if you turn off the walls.
  • Tamsih
    10th Sep 2021
    me having a bomb that goes throu wall,diamond void every posible aloy and doas ignore grawti ::you schure this is the bomb that puctures space time?
  • creator_EXECUTE
    11th Aug 2021
    this uses high life sing. last I checked only high tmp sing was really allowed, atleast you noted this was banned in the discerpion.
  • aer0
    8th Aug 2021
    Fun fact: the VSS Armageddon is able survive this bomb.
  • spiky_potato_viper
    8th Aug 2021
    silo if u don't want to be some one every one hates try following the rules and play our game of strang d&d as friends that means don't dislike saves just because they are vooperia and don't comment stuff like "i MeLtEd ThIs" and maybe there wont be so much back lash ok?
  • creator_EXECUTE
    30th Jul 2021
    meh, barely scrached some of my newer ships.
  • spiky_potato_viper
    29th Jul 2021
    it didn't even scratch my alloy and he said he melted my alloy that is melt proof
  • Greiscale
    29th Jul 2021
    Weak. Planet spook vooper has better stuff.