29th Jul 2021
29th Jul 2021
People keep breaking the laws of war. SO WHY WONT CORE LABS!
silo if u don't want to be some one every one hates try following the rules and play our game of strang d&d as friends that means don't dislike saves just because they are vooperia and don't comment stuff like "i MeLtEd ThIs" and maybe there wont be so much back lash ok?
also my rapid fire armor priercing dual cannon artilery destroyed this
and we have alloys that can survive the 2 substances like mine
the chaotic empire doesn't care what weapons it uses it doesn't need to be from the empire it self
i'm giving you one last chance the empire of vooperia has obtained two substances that can even destroy cubite give up now or suffer the consequences
the chaotic empire destroyed the substance without problem and used it for more ZTs
have u not heard of vooperias dray and cray resistant alloys
dest go boom
and my legal alloy is still stronger than this stuff u make some of the worst alloys ive ever seen
haha dray go bbbrrr