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30th Jul 2021
30th Jul 2021
People keep adding DMND to their ships to armor it. So i made a test save and people did not like ME using diamond but fine with the others. Knowing ill get a negitive responce i created this. An infinite amount have been made!


  • spiky_potato_viper
    29th Nov 2021
    im saying u copied my comment
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    4th Sep 2021
    and ofc either the SHID or GMS (or gravity manipulator shields)
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    4th Sep 2021
    so just a little tip on making strong materials without lairs high TMP quartz and high TMP Mercury
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    29th Aug 2021
    another thing i just realised(because I didn't look at the blueprint because someone from the vooperia empire said you copied them) is it can only shoot once because the singularity and destroy cannon destroys the button also that is a little over powered don't ya think? (not reporting this because not 100% sure yet could just be an attempt to worsen your reputation and the chaotic empire doesn't tolerate that we are chaotic and we stop it we don't cause chaos
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    29th Aug 2021
    also question: did you delete your comments? because when i checked the bluebrints I have your comments weren't there
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    29th Aug 2021
    don't forget the ying yang if you do this I'll allow you to keep it
  • Zaralis_chaotica
    29th Aug 2021
    if your so good at making alloys and destroyers try making a chaotic empire worthy ship (needs: SELF destruct bomb to level the battle field when destroyed, more then 1 guns, hyper jump drive and shields wants:railguns fighters and/or drones and more than 10 guns)
  • spiky_potato_viper
    15th Aug 2021
    u copyed me
  • jtwhatnot7
    15th Aug 2021
    silo if u don't want to be some one every one hates try following the rules and play our game of strang d&d as friends that means don't dislike saves just because they are vooperia and don't comment stuff like "i MeLtEd ThIs" and maybe there wont be so much back lash ok?
    15th Aug 2021
    The DMND Is Just To Protect The TSNS On Our Ships