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17th Aug 2021
29th February
This is how NOT to transition from a planetary species to an interstallar species. You can copy but you must give credit.


  • MachineMan
    1st March
    Effective way to cause global extinction.
  • cWzzzzz
    29th February
    effective way to prevent the global cooling issue
  • 008cff
    11th February
    this would make the species be a intergalactic species possibly as fragments of dead life will go to other galaxies maybe, maybe as a meteor due to accumulated stone ontop
  • MachineMan
    2nd Jul 2022
    As a result, the engines would be left to run unsupervised until the planet collided with a cosmic giant; most likely a star but possibly a neutron star or a black hole. So this project would cause the extinction of all life on that planet.
  • MachineMan
    2nd Jul 2022
    If the artificial volcanoes were built 4-5 times the height of Everest and with more power than any natural volcanoes, than propulsion could be acheived. Of course, as demonstrated in the save, this would burn all the oxygen on a planet and heat up the atmosphere to dangerous levels, killing of life. *Continued on the next comment*
  • ArolaunTech
    14th Dec 2021
    it won't even work. Since volcanoes do not eject material from the planet into space at high speed, no velocity is added or subtracted. Therefore nothing happens to the planet's orbit.