Homepage of TFN, an ultimate project for all furries. Furries are welcome to join us! Haters will be reported.
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Oh and ADVERTISEMENT 2866026.
Jeez people can't take a furry these days - I remember this page on 10 dislikes. That was bad enough, now it is on 54 dislikes?! Let's count dislikes as likes.
@levi42 NO IT'S IN THE 38644TH PAGE
Lojakal: Yeah, a lot of things happened
JozeffTech: Wow I've been inactive for a long time now
@Jozefftech: umm, your country Russia, has declared war on Ukraine
omg this save is on 38619th page
one of the most downvoted save.
Nasty trolls. Fun ruiners. The kind of person who's either so corrupted or so insecure that they have to crush others to make themselves feel better. I wonder how many of them are actually closet furries who just want an excuse to hang around furry content...