2021-12-01 23:24:45
It's time for a biography update.

Hi, my name is Kerizel V. Concepcion; just call me Keri. I refuse to update my username. Former TPT nations roleplayer, now just a general creator. Give me melee weapons and I'll look into making them on my save. Oh by the way the new name is a girl's name

You are not afraid of being alone in the dark, you are afraid of *not* being alone in the dark. Everytime you turn off the lights, there may be a Polish man with an MG42 LMG hiding in the darkest corners of your room.

Want a poem? Look below.

Wrath and Pain
Version 3

A storm is coming, its winds are dangerous
A person seeks shelter for the unjust populus
But he was swept away by the massive winds
I am this storm, and my wrath will win.

I'm hated by all, and it brings me dismay
But I will make them all pay
And when the harvest time comes, that fateful day
I'll take what they owe, and turn their blue days to red and gray.

There was a quote by a great king
Assist me with kindness, and I'll help you reach great things
But treat me with injustice and death, I will repay
And with my iron fist of wrath
I will bring down a rain of fire and pain.

Those who are kind and helping
Shall never be forgotten.
And those who serve others more than himself
After death shall never be rotten.

But he who breaks the foundation of justice
Shall die and turn to nothing but dust.
And he who destroys worlds and soil
Shall be brought to rust and turmoil.
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