8 / 4
27th Oct 2021
8th Jan 2022
The Outer planets of the Cancer system contains 2 gas giant planets (Eros and Plutan), an ice ball (Acro), and 2 rocky planets (Cerrin and Anoo). all planets have some form of base on the surface, in orbit or on a moon. COMMING SOON: saves for the planet
solarsystem space maps crabaerospace


  • Redfrogcrab
    16th Nov 2021
    Added rock station
  • Redfrogcrab
    10th Nov 2021
    yeah, just deciding to ignore it uless people have any acual critisisms, anyways added Eros
  • creator_EXECUTE
    10th Nov 2021
    I can get that @Redfrogcrab I get loads of downvotes from idiots whom don't know better, it's just best to ignore them.
  • LiquidPlasma
    10th Nov 2021
    Expecting reasonable treatment on this platform is a foolish notion to go by. Just make saves for the sake of making saves, don't try to impress.
  • Redfrogcrab
    2nd Nov 2021
    yeah, but i feel i could do better, i just need to know what people want
  • RNA_Creations
    2nd Nov 2021
    It's not you that need improving, it's them that needs improving.
  • Redfrogcrab
    2nd Nov 2021
    could yall at least tell me what i need to do to improve this so i figure out how to get better
  • Redfrogcrab
    27th Oct 2021
    Side note: still a work in progress, any suggestions and critisisms are appreciated