This cow type was recently discovered during an intense storm in the Cowngo. They appear to be made of pure lightning allowing them to manipulate thunderbolts at will. They may also explode, scorching the entire area around them with lightning.
this looks strangely like a cow form of lowtiergod in the 'you should kys now' meme, strange i managed to predict that with an electric cow
YCY: I didn't even notice you do anything
Samdwich. I have a come to a truce. can we say peace?
Current models of the cow suggest a looping 'dyna-moo' that powers the anomalous cow. The dynamo extracts energy from the thundercloud when the storm is strong and leaks energy into the cloud when the storm is weak, while also creating a powerful magnetic field that can damage electronics up to 10 meters away unless they are correctly magnet-proofed.