Thul'ach Aarich Porsus Sifa'al
I'm not religios whatsoever. But this is a little disturbing
yeah, well... Baphomet is an imp, basically a head with a big mouth full of teeth, two bright eyes and four feets: two looking forward, and another pair in the back looking upwards. It is said to be a pagan idol that was worshipped by the Templars,and that the worshipping is what made the Inquisition burn in bonfires every templar knight.
everybody please stop stealing this
..Don't bring Satan into TPT please.
Are you a satanist? This is really cool, but a user wit the username the_Demongod, who posts the official insignia of Satanism might be just a bit creepy.
dude, millions of people participate in satanism around the world, yes dude it may seem evil it's just and underground relligeon. no reason to be ashamed.