Literally everyone hates these things, they instakill whatever they hit and send downvote shrapnel outwards ripping apart everything and lowering the average score of saves.
proton bomb go kill
Duck69: the bits of brmt from the explosion
im not even a cow oposer.
either im blind or i dont see downvote shrapnel or its the bomb that reduces the effort
cow opposers that dislike just because its cows have like -32 iq
Tamsih: ok good, so a cow opposer thats iq was acutally higher than 6
1701: hey,even while i was a cow oposer i Didnt donvote cow saves .
ah yes every boviniverse save for no @#$%ing reason, thanks cow opposers
samisong: yes. yes I did
SamDwich: did you say you gona [REDACTED] my entire nervous system ??