guess who's back ;) (P.S i procrastinated this thing for like... 3-4 years, but anyways, its out :)) still WIP, just thought this is polished enough and decided to release it. to start it up: lift up the rods and active the H2O flow.
china syndrome +1
I was thinking of doing a few adjustments! Ill see how it goes.
"I could upload my version (with credit of course)" sure thingy, wanna see what you mean by it, cant do it rn though, life's a bit busy now ://
ItsVexZy: It would be alot of work... I was just thinking that it would be cool! Would you mind if I worked on it? If you are okay with it, I could upload my version (with credit of course)
omg gordon, is that you?!
tips and tricks: to avoid the reactor melting through the bottom, add a quench pool of water
oh, isnt whats down there enough? D: and yea it'd be a lot of work ngl
Could you move the reactor up and make a basement? I know it is a lot of work for one request, but I think it would be cool to see a meltdown go through the bottom.
reacted just as i hoped to my nuke, +1
wow, thanks!