26th Mar 2022
27th Mar 2022
This is a new base that Core Labs has created to sell to marine research buisnesses.
if your gonna declare war on vooperia then form an allience with vania
I sparked it while trying to set off my vibranium bomb and it kinda just.. nuclear meltdown
cool and nice
During decommission, 4 of 8 nuclear charges will be removed. The remaining 4 is set off after evacuation and reactor decommission (Removing all of the radioactive materials and shutdown and such) The 4 that were removed will either be recycled, or detonated. (Hope I didn't miss anything)
lives. The US Navy has detonated NUMEROUS bombs with more destruction power than these small nuclear charges. Like on 6/21/21 when the US Navy detonated a 40k pound bomb in the ocean. STWR would break some metals so its WATR but Its meant to be salt water. Sure radioactive debris may still result in years of radioactivity, but the self destruct is only meant to be used to either wipe out some kraken or if someone got in there.
It would be. Water temps in the area would increase a lot. But then it will lower and create a new cavern/reef from flooding and heat melting the rock in order for small and medium local populations of the nearby ecosystems to live in and adapt to (Maybe even research material). It contains small nuclear charges that will over time, decay from radiation with short half-
also if this was self destroyed i dont think the whole ocean around it would be habitable anymore
We destroy this too.
Thanks for the answer