Commonly referred to as Stingrays, due to their unusually stingray-like and almost completely biomimetic design, this type of Dheketh vessel is merely the overture. Please do not copy and enjoy.
@Vampireax Indeed. I have a few completed ships that I just need to classify and release. The Phorcys class is merely an overture to larger and hopefully more interesting vessels. I kind of ramble about them in the Powder Toy discord a lot as I'm constantly adding to them and trying to improve them.
Nice design. Very simple. Organic like.
I've got more of these ships in the works. I should probably get around to constructing a larger scale vessel.
@Omenas Yeah, it does sound a tiny bit similar to Goa'uld ships or technology in regards to the name.
The name Dheketh reminds me of the names of Goa'uld ships in Stargate.
@Emperor_of_Catkind Indeed. It's a process I came up with to make some interesting structures. I had originally intended for said process to produce art. This ship is one of the latest in a whole evolutionary process for the Dheketh ships. If you're in the Powder Toy discord server, you can probably find my rambles about each ship I produced.
This ship looks like being made of GOL stuff
Cool man
Think of it as if the ship's got a nervous system. SPRK one material to send one signal and it'll carry out a function.
@ScarlettDawn you don't spark the "buttons". Those represent the materials you're meant to SPRK on the ship. The ship has its whole wiring system fully integrated into it. SPRK the grey coloured areas on the ship to trigger the guns, SPRK the black / really dark grey areas on the ship to activate propulsion etc