please tell me what areas need improvement---a star-like azure that uses no unnatural elements like conv, only 5 layers, and uses no super long life gbmb or bcln. crown jewel of "natural" azures, in my eyes.
i dont use uranium, though i should prob fix that
Why is the heat so bad?
thanks, probably people with better azures or maybe the fact that i constantly reupload everytime i make a minor change
+1 very nice, who would dislike this?
im not good enough to fully utilise conv so i turned 192 pixels to lava sing
implosion-type bombs are weak as hell in testing, unfortunatly HoG is implosion-centered
Nice bomb!
such a shame, there was so much prot to take advantage of
unfortunatly had to turn all of the conv tmp to ligh, all that prot hitting the prot tmp conv would result in too much warp causing bhol to form
thanks very much