please tell me what areas need improvement---a star-like azure that uses no unnatural elements like conv, only 5 layers, and uses no super long life gbmb or bcln. crown jewel of "natural" azures, in my eyes.
the heac doesnt get fully destroyed, but who cares lol
not sure if these updates make the bomb better or worse, but ijust put random junk and copied off of other bombs
+an extra vibr layer
and wall has 3 alloy balls for more strength
update: more snow sing, turned lava sing into snow since it didnt give me the power i wanted, made exot purple, tweaked bcln, made core bcln soap, some anar for vibr walls,etc.
thanks a bunch man, im just trying to play around with the concept of azure bombs, hopefully im getting there
instead of calling it mediocre give yourself some slack, its acctualy getting really good.
yo, it getting better its now a 8.1
made lava staircase things smaller since they're practically useless, made testing wall/barrier 2x thicker
and removed wall