what else is there to say
Chernobylll: the imperial german flag, used during the existence of the german empire from 1871 to 1918, is as shown here. the schwartz-rot-gold or the black-red-yellow tricolour i used today for the federal republic of germany which has existed to the current day
Chernobylll: imperial(German empire)Germany is different then modern day since the reunification of east and west
I give it a like. Ich habe es einen Daumen nach oben gegeben.
but is the german flag not BLACK RED YELLOW?
hi im come from germany. Guten Tag ich komme aus Deutschland. :)
why is c1000 saying its on fp again. like it literally isnt
plutonium68: its a pun on the german 'guten tag' which means 'good day'. tag sounds lie bag, and since this bag is looking awfully like the imperial german flag, bag replaces tag, resulting in 'guten bag'.
but why guten bag? wouldn't that say good bag?
so my c100- told me this got to fp. how the f-