68 / 7
6th Nov 2022
8th Nov 2022
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filt technology velocity theory subframe decbin dec2bin encoder decoder


  • mecha-man
    13th Nov 2022
    Well that makes it likely pointless to do, since the demux using PSTN temp setting wasn't useful either. Though it was able to have no latency, likely through that usage of HEAC I mentioned.
  • RQuarx
    13th Nov 2022
    sometimes is see them as viscosity
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    @mecha-man, The setup works specifically BECAUSE of heat simulation... :/ ... PROT needs heat sim in order to transfer heat to the particles under itself. Blob of PROT on a blob of WIFI does nothing, for example, without toggling heat sim to ON.
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    PROT does that latter, and is fundamentally incapable of transferring all heat into single pixels in one frame.
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    All this means is that I'm referring to the property that PROT has, in which it only transfers small, random amounts of .temp to other particles over about a 6 second period. .Temp in TPT is kinda weird, but basically, some particles are incapable of transferring heat very well, and usually divides the area of transfer into chunks, and then each chunk updates randomly either all at once, or over several seconds.
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    @ASimpleCreator, PROT only sets .temp values of particles if it is directly layered over another one. This is why PROT bombs, or blobs of PROT will randomize WIFI particles -- and the same applies to FRAY. The issue is that although the "latency" can technically be instantaneous, or nonexistent, this does not mean PROT transfers all .temp information from itself to the particle it's layered over.
  • mecha-man
    12th Nov 2022
    Yes, it can work without latency if you set it up right. It has been done with for PSTN instead of FRAY for making a demux before. I believe HEAC is also used to make the heat conduct instantly. The issue is that the number of bits that temp can handle is much less than wavelengths, this save gets around the temp cap by disabling heat simulation. Does your setup of FILT>HSWC>PROT>FRAY still work without heat simulation?
  • ASimpleCreator
    12th Nov 2022
    R33ses if it has latency you must have the wrong order/placement?..
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    NVM NVM NVM @xiaohei_5753, I JUST FOUND A WAY, AFTER SOME TESTING. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PUT PROT NEXT TO HSWC, .tmp=1, and 1 px layer of FRAY under it!!! The FILT>HSWC.tmp=1>PROT>layer>FRAY setupd actually works! (has latency)
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Nov 2022
    @vipmichalek, It would be interesting to set a mode on HSWC or TSNS that overrides the .Temp on FRAY, anyways. And I know it doesn't conduct, but HSWC just picks certain particles to heat up or not. INST, for example, doesn't work, even though it can conduct heat.