144 / 6
15th Nov 2022
29th Nov 2022
An under ocean city. protected by thick concrete walls. has airconditioning, lighting and a back up power system. you can controll the systems through switches hiden all over the bunker. This has taken me over a month to create, enjoy :)
destructable complex detailed hydro water ocean shelter fallout bunker hydrogen


  • AstroBomb
    10th July
    azure bomb go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  • binn
    16th June
    Hi mahniam , you might not remember me but a made a fanmade version of this. Just saying hi , do you still use powder toy ?
  • MahnIAM
    6th Dec 2022
    mmmm toasty lol
  • Executordoesthings
    1st Dec 2022
    I detonated the small verion of the redesigned hrogen bomb and it incinerated the ocean completely, blocked the back up water system with hot salt, clogged the water pipe wih salt and melted into the bunker for a bit. but when I looked away from one second, the area where the bomb blew suddenly filled with deut. In just a matter of secs, a neut appeared and caused a second massive blast in which melted through the bunker
  • MahnIAM
    25th Nov 2022
    explosivepwder- yeah i hate that too I wish there was a pressure destructable wifi in this game, unfortunatly just for looks sake i had to use wifi, or else the bunker would have been too strong.
  • MahnIAM
    25th Nov 2022
    justplaying- No i am not, I think you are thinking of the wrong guy
  • radioactivehousefire
    21st Nov 2022
    Pipe is destructible. it would be IPIP (invincible pipe) and DPPI(destructible powered pipe)
  • IanTheNoob
    21st Nov 2022
    IAscTcaokuennt: Then make regular WIFI indestructible. Currently it turns to BRMT from intense gravity
  • IAscTcaokuennt
    21st Nov 2022
    I think it shouldn't be too hard to add those to tpt
  • IAscTcaokuennt
    21st Nov 2022
    Maybe in the next version there will be BWFI, BPTI/BPTO, BPIP etc. (hopefully)