I am going to take a look now. I was intending for someone to try to replace INSL with like HEAC and turn it to dry ice.
BluBubblz: Rarely, some of the gold magically disappears, just restart the simulation.
id:2971542. 116 points (all 16 bars usually intact, +20 for automation. Bypassing the CO2 sensors was a piece of cake using high-life DEUT. Moved CRAY and PSTN machines next to the vault using DRAY.
Mandarino1091: haha bomb funni
Jakav: I'd try moving it back to the yellow starting place.
I have a submission: 2971556
Minor issue: It doesn't say I have to move the GOLD, so I can literally leave it where it is and win the challenge.
*lose, not loose. Lose is to misplace something, or get points deducted. Loose is untied shoelaces. I'm not trying to be mean, but there's a typo. Nice challenge anyway +1