4 / 1
4th Feb 2023
8th Feb 2023
55 on the Z scale!! This is probably one of the most powerful azures yet, it's particle heavy and has low destruction speed, but it makes up for it with very high amounts of pressure and heat retained for a long time, its very compact, and tons of warp.
azure bomb explosion warp


  • Goodels
    9th Feb 2023
    compactness? isn't this like the most compact you can get a bomb of this power, there are stacks of about 500.
  • RamenNoods
    8th Feb 2023
    but i dont have a very good sense of destruction i have like 6fps
  • RamenNoods
    8th Feb 2023
    the pressure and heat is a nice score, but could do better on compactness. And destruction, as Jakav pointed out. There are bombs out there with better destructive capabilities, even without the use of E-Hole. anyways nice azure +1
  • Jakav
    4th Feb 2023
    This is strong in heat and pressure, but I would instead measure raw destructive power. I believe my recent azure bomb is strong in that aspect, though I don't know how much. Unfortunately, neither the Z-scale nor the K-scale measure destructive power very well, though using a scale is better than not.
  • Goodels
    4th Feb 2023
    anyway this is definetely strong if not very basic, more just me trying to see how compact i could make an azure, i think i will try experimenting some more now and see if i can find anything new
  • Goodels
    4th Feb 2023
    how would you judge the strength of a bomb?
  • Jakav
    4th Feb 2023
    I really am not liking the Z-scale that much. Heat and pressure and basically useless once you have so much. The Z-scale also has bad temperature readings.
  • Goodels
    4th Feb 2023
    idk can't remember but very high on temperature, mid level on warp, high on pressure, low on destruction speed, and ofc high on size bonus
  • Jakav
    4th Feb 2023
    What are the scores?
  • Goodels
    4th Feb 2023
    so basically it won't chew threw things all that fast but it will eventually be able to get through just about anything, very high power but low efficiency