No Description Provided. Nah cap there is a description: This is a fully destructible cold fusion power plant for bomb testing and experimenting!
3 million!
i love the fack that this is tech save
Sorry for whatever blabbering "chat mess" (TM) i made earlier, it looks like some photons make it into the coolant heat transfer, and through one layer of pipe into the hydrogen line, creating a proton every so often.
updated to fix a spelling mistake, and removed signs leading to deleted saves
Chat is this real
ok, this may sound crazy but i think that every time you check the stats of any pixel the physics simulation changes ever so slightly, causing a failure. (i juat had the oxygen burnuer fail and realease a ton of oxyen moments after i hovered over the ntct on the exhaust)
i dont know if its just my pc but this stuff happens after a couple of minutes, causing the reactor to stall.
i ran this for hours without any issues
there are only a few issues with this: the waste vent for the loxy burner tends to melt the ntct and the fuel preheater waste entry tends to get a fire, blocking it completely.