@NugsWorld I tried to demonstrate that building DRAY bombs isn't very gratifying, it's easy to cobble something together in a few minutes that destroys complex defenses that took hours or even days to build in a single frame, so you won't make a lot of friends by draying their defenses. ;)
@NugsWorld It's a 25 particle DRAY/CRAY bomb. The DRAYs are fast enough to fill the screen in a single frame, the CRAYs keep the DRAYs from reaching the particle limit and spawn in more PSCN to keep the bomb going. By tuning the tmp2 of the CRAY in the center of the bomb I've been able to destroy nearly every bunker, wall, alloy etc. out there. IOW these bombs are so terribly overpowered it's unfair.
Jerehmia: In a single frame...
Jerehmia: You just obliterated the universe...