The Titan is a LFR which includes massive advancements from the previous Kreeprr Industries Rockets. the features that set this rocket apart are, a larger fuselage, onboard valve control, and the Goliath rocket Engine.
your rockets look cool but they provide about as mutch thrust as slowly spilling a bag of feathers.
Terortemper wut the fuk wierd
amazing rocket design, can't really get a lot better ngl! +1
BlueLobsterTPT: Idk why but yours is making 3psi while this goes alot more
ok modefied it to be more powerfull but more hungry id:3012863
no? ok i guess
very nice! +1!
could you please make an stronge and big KI rocket with an power full but hungary engine please i need an KI-Heavy to get to mars idk why i found om funni rocks there and i see iron ore and a ton of gold
oh ok it would make sense if it was chance just when i removed it it was fine but that makes sense thanks.
i'm fairly certian it does becuase the titanium is prone to melt causing the insl to melt. it isn't a garantee that the rocket will fail without it, but it does happen.