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9th Sep 2023
9th Sep 2023
Copy and improve if ya want. Pls tell me how portal works tho


  • FrankHorrigan
    12th June
    thats alot of words, to bad i aint readin em
  • Oyne31
    9th April
    Sometimes if you have disproportionate PRTI and PRTO (like and entrance of 60 PRTI and 300 PRTO for it to come out of) then sometimes it will only come out of the 60 leftmost PRTO because of that. It's best experienced with intuitive trying it out.
  • Oyne31
    9th April
    Different temperatures have different channels; PRTI with 200C temp will only transfer particles to PRTO at 200C. Though if you set something like wifi or portals to a specific temperature, reloading the save can make it 199.85C instead of 200C, for example, and that can break the order of channels.
  • Oyne31
    9th April
    PRTI is Portal in: It transfers particles to PRTO (Portal Out) Based on temperature.