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21st Dec 2023
8th April
The polar-orbiting moon of Arbolio.Extremly fine dust and frigid nights make this world harsh,but valuable.Form new alliances,trade or conquer other nations,and eventually terraform this new land. (max players:14)


  • ThingamabobOverseer
    26th September
  • aCreativeAndroid
    3rd June
    Expand the base with further living areas, labs, fabrication areas, military areas and landing sightsReinforce the base to be resistant to attacks and rocket crashes.Start designing a new ship the P-3 a heavy mining ship similar to the P-2 with added mining equipment and survival features.Ship up from Arblio a large amount rations of various types (to supplement the onboard farms) anything sent to the astronauts from earth (after a check) , and building materials.
  • GigaCars
    22nd April
    forgot to look here, and i meant like just sci-fi ships, but good to know, might join in the fun of this
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    18th April
    GigaCars:The current technological level is late-early spaceage,so magnetic cannons,antimatter crystal missiles (known as anthrite) ,and big lasers are used as weaponry.
  • GigaCars
    18th April
    funni solarwide, also kind of interesting, tell me though, what level of technology do we have in Polaron, sci-fi spaceships with lasers n stuff level? if it is that level, i may join in
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th April
    Locate the nearest sources of resources and report on the planetary survey's.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    10th April
    LtWilson: yes
  • FrankHorrigan
    8th April
    may i join?
  • Unity_Lost:Around the area of the ruin,several massive rods were seen protruding out of the hard polarian stone.The magnetic field is strong enough to suspend a large cloud of dust and rocks,and small arcs can be seen flying between the dust particles.
  • aCreativeAndroid
    5th April
    (We never had exact coordinates for the moon base but I always personally imagined it somewhat south easterly but put it wherever you think it should be.)