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21st Dec 2023
8th April
The polar-orbiting moon of Arbolio.Extremly fine dust and frigid nights make this world harsh,but valuable.Form new alliances,trade or conquer other nations,and eventually terraform this new land. (max players:14)


  • yesyesy
    24th March
    omaga nationwide 2?!?!?!
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    24th March
    Rubidianlabs:Deep inside one of the lava flows,a mining team discovered a small cube that looks similar to the other ruins found across the system.The object had several patterns on each side,and occasionally begins emitting an eerie red glow.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    23rd March
    Unity_Lost:Droid wars confirmed
  • Rubidianlabs
    22nd March
    @Kolinski no
  • Unity_Lost
    22nd March
    (And also, the three sets of buildings are protected in thick structures that can be disconnected to expand.)
  • Unity_Lost
    22nd March
    (Aphelion Industry is a subdivision of the Asherem Corporation, specialized to explore and mine in Polaron.)
  • Kolinski
    22nd March
    Does this wide have a discord server?
  • Unity_Lost
    22nd March
    (The energy rifle, instead of dealing piercing damage, deals in thermal damage, and relies on single-shot, not automatic, in order to cool down. The speed of these droids are 1.5x the running speed of humans, with the help of carbon-fiber legs, and the low gravity of the planet itself.)
  • Unity_Lost
    22nd March
    260, 210. Aphelion Industry. Color, dark red. First, set up a base, with its central building being a deep mine platform. Surrounding the platform are residential and industrial buildings, industral to process the mined ore, and residential to contain the workers. Surrounding the base is a perimeter, patrolled by human-sized bipedal droids which perpetually guard with the help of a basic energy rifle, and a solar panel to charge.
  • Rubidianlabs
    22nd March
    Eh, it's not the biggest problem so long as they're not literally the same problem. You're prolly only going to really want to view them in the political map mode.