12th Jan 2024
14th Jan 2024
IDK, its an upload. Use DEUT adding buttons first for meltdown. Updated Jan/13 & 14/24.
IDK, its an upload. Use DEUT adding buttons first for meltdown. Updated Jan/13 & 14/24.
nice +1
well done! +1!
Ambient heat isn't nessecary for it to function, but it's nice to have so the reactor doesnt bleed heat.
cool design, but I always feel like keeping ambient heat off (especially for reactors) is a bit of a cop-out. +1
still, pcln needs to be replaced with pbcn, but its really cool that the author listens to the opinions of the community +1
Updated; Thx for the improvement suggestions!
1) sometimes the ceramics in the reactor break 2) add Wi-Fi for the power buttons 3) the buttons sometimes melt 4) it would be better to replace pcln(neut) with invs+pbcn(phot) 5) it would be better to make a deuterium generator instead of pcln(deut) (glow+watr=deut)
There are buttpns in the core for the pcln, it just serves to make heat
is it supposed to make Duetiruem or smth