ELEC induces fusion rxns to deplete NEUT. QRTZ filler that doesn't react w/ ELEC. GOLD absorbs excess NEUT. RSSS retains others by not heat-melting like TTAN, CRMC, etc. Won't withstand chronic NEUT exposure; designed for burst explosions. ~15 thick.
It cant work with protons
a version of this idea i made id:3126763
I like deut to! :D (-=_=-) [sunglasses]
lil bit of radiation leakage
its true :D
i see you really like deut +1
pretty good but if a neutron is moving fast enough it can get through and mess stuff up a lot
atleast great for destructable builds
It's pretty weak materials individually; any large bomb or extended attack will kill it; I think it's advantage is high damage absorbed/area ratio on destructible builds.
and also kinda strong?