"Lava" that is cooled to the max yet still burns.
I posted my device for making bray lava- just go to my home page =]
I'll post my device for collecting Bray lava- soon.
Idk.. It does that sometimes... You can use high pressure (thunder) to bring it back. Its a weird glitchy creature...
yes hodakan didnt used console try melting bray im maded it but why disaparear
I gues a update messed it up. =/ It is working as of 5/26/11
OH the lava dissapears.. lol. sorry.. It worked before. Why didn't anyone mention that??
I see this save is getting lots of negative votes... what can I do to make it better?
I didn't use the consel to make bray lava
Wait.. nvm... melting of other materials is yet to be tested.. Sorry, I got carried away.
It wont ever freeze and you can burn organic stuff with it! You can also heat it up and melt stronger materials!