19th Jul 2024
19th Jul 2024
Bagel, but spicy (~10000C). It is cooked to perfection, and only made of the bestest dough and finest peppers in existence, and prepaed by Gordon Ramsay himself, with maximal care. It weights 20 tons.
WHY? I like bagels that leave 30km craters
ExoArpErtd: Most azure/nonazure bombs that are powerful lag the simulation. And yes, it's overkill for a city and most other things, but what's the fun if it isn't OP. Also the laginess depends on what device you are playing on.
the one thing I hate about bombs is people mixing protons and deuterium or neutrons. it lags the simulation. if it's about destructive power sure but for quality....its just too much
cool +1
weatherter: Bagels that make a 5km crater are cool, but I prefer ones that leave a 10km crater.
I like bagels that leave a 5km crater
I fixed the issue where the LIGH wasn't alligned to the BCLN. (Broucek is really dumb, how can you make a mistake like this?)
It isn't an azure because it has DEST and BOMB, but bagels deserve an exeption.