This is a simulaton of a Magnox nuclear reactor facility. A magnox nuclear reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that uses C02 as its gas exchange (Although GLOW is substituded with CO2 here). Oh, and just ignore that red button that says self destruct...
I knoe right Hi21 :(
bro you just made this and you this popular. us underrated people feel like we have to be goofy just to get any attention
By the way... I will soon release a completly new version of this so stay tuned...
I fixed the button so now it is more realistic
Yeah the scram was referencing chernobyl lol
you sure thats what scram does? im kinda annoyed but meh +1
What scram is supposed to be is an emergency shutdown, I think you got it confused with "self destruct". If the scram was referencing chrynoble, then good job as the scram there kinda did the opposite of what it was supposed to. Still cool tho. :)
looks great 1+