After the Crimson Union suffered heavy casualties against the Forest sessionist army,they needed a weapon that could change the tide of the war.They decided to start a project codenamed "Frostbite",building several secret bases in the deep arctic
i agree with Help_what_am_i_doing i wanna see effort to get on fp not slapping a sticker on a 5 year olds day dream and call it a war game its already over done and now its getting cliche
help_what_im_doing has a point
help_what_im_doing:Bro is not a happy camper
its starting to die out i think for the good of tpt
its some low quaility trend where people make random cars fast and add the war game tag to get fp and lots of votes so people can protect them if they get in a fight like how cookie man does and they get offended when you have a personal opinon (freedom of speech)
what the flip is a wargame and why do i keep seeing it on the fp
I just accidentally saved after bombing it :skull: