A nonexistent piece of field artilery is being pulled by fake horses. all there is not real, but my imagination. such howitzer propably doesnt exist
thanks for 1001 views, people!
no seychas u menya net vremeni :(
Ja by poproboval sdelat sejv o revolyutsii i Rossiyskuyu Imperiju. nachalo RSFSR i t.d.
snova privet, drug! Kak tebe ideja sdelat chto-to pro Rossiyskuyu Imperiju ili sovremennost? Jelayu tebe i dalshe popadat v FP!
I want more "apple execution" type saves lol
quiantkbw123 done
that rear wheel is supposed to be between horses and gun's trail to avoid loading horses with down-acting weight, sure i forgot to add another wheel, thank you!
Shouldn't it be transported muzzle-backward? - i'd haul it battle ready, front muzzle, wheel aback ready to remove it and fix the construct but for longer distances such layout wouldnt work for sure
I suggest making the text disapear after unpausing. Makes it less cluttered if you want to destroy.
Anyways +1 for artstyle