improved heat dissipating & pipe arrangement
Fr, I ran Gen-5 plant and afk for a few hours, sometimes end up kaboomed & sometimes don't but it's safe overall :D
I wouldn't say its IMPOSSIBLE for that to happen, but they are so efficent and belive it or not, safe (below 1000 total deaths have been caused directly from it, and another thousand for panicked people during fukashima, they trampled people on accident)
@logic impossible because of the amount of reactions possible
sometimes i wonder what if reactors become dead Trend like ur like "back in my day son"
The pipes tut looks very complicated!
Neat +1
Wow this is actually really cool:O the way you move the neutron breaks my mind.
pipe tutorial is here id:3160085
replace water with oil looks so cursed lmao
Nice to play around with, also the pipe is super cool. I knew it was possible but I've never seen anyone try it before +1