23rd Oct 2024
21st January
The first in a hopefully long line of "InfiniFactories", factories without dray/cray, portals, clones or voids, yet which do not clog themselves permanently or require material input. Uses EMP but still has control electronics!
cool ,
:) This isnt actually the InfiniFactory featured in the V99 update announcement. That would be the sequel to this one.
Did you notice this on the steam page for 99.0 version? It may be just a random save but good job if you got this officially recognized +1
Thank you guys. I have just fixed the psts clogs, although i guess i hadnt noticed before because when it clogs, the lava level drops, the pressure lowers, and the psts turns back to pste.
This is legit one of the coolest saves I've seen in ages, and having spent the time to analyze what each component does and the many interactions that make this self-sufficient just blew me away! The only relatively minor issue I could spot is within the CLST -> STNE machinery, where PSTS builds up due to sustained pressure. Easily fixable with a PUMP though.
By the way, I love the way the electronics quieten for a little bit when EMP is set to hit. Makes me think of tardigrades shriveling up when the conditions are unsuitable, and then coming back alive completely intact
Jona, this factory is smaller than most. Its a fairly modest 2 story building with a small footprint. Also, some parts CANT be that much smaller while maintaining thruput. Admittedly, this things packager is the main bottleneck.
this should not be so big
Nah, dray/cray is cool too, i was totally kidding. Originally, this factory actually had like 8 cray pixels, used in the circuitry next to the output select buttons. These were used to set the selected state and clear the other. But, Cray/dray is commonly used to make the boxes for packaging factory outputs, so i wanted to ideally avoid that to sort of force myself to find workarounds