Sooner or later, three passengers will wake up in their cryptosleep sarcophagi to the sound of sirens and ripping metal. They will barely make it to the escape pods before the ship is torn apart. Some time later, they will land on some unknown rimworld.
@resic cryptosleep mean ur body stop do anything but works again when the pod turn off (perfect stasis)
my spaceship design in rimworld is just a cryptosleep chamber, some miscelaneous power, and a computer core in the back. works like a charm and makes for a great start when playing SoS2
RCAproductions likes to build ships like this, and its spread to many people (including me)
because cryptobiosis probably
@resic in rimworld it's crypto
isn't it cryosleep? Other than that, pretty good +1
@nobodyagain what's RCA methodology?
Gotta love the RCA methodology for ships :D
love rimworld
oh my god carrot ship theory confirmed